Prayer For Someone You Love to Come Back – Effective Words That Works

prayer for someone you love to come back

One of the best ways to show love for someone is to pray for them. On the other hand, strong affection can lead to heartbreaks. It’s heartbreaking when people we care about leave our lives, whether it’s for a short time or for good. You can say deep prayers for someone you love at those times.  What is a strong love prayer? It can help a lot to prayer for someone you love to come back. It can fix a bad relationship and bring the other person to your door. But you should believe in a higher power for the prayer to work. Pick anyone from the list of prayers below to show someone how much they love you.

Prayer for Missing Someone You Love

Almighty God, you have been so kind to me. I come to You thankful for the good life I have. Oh my goodness, I’m so grateful to be alive. Please say this prayer for my partner (insert their name here). I hope that they are doing well wherever they are. 

We’ve both had a rough few months, and I miss them so much. Lord, I Prayer For Someone You Love to Come Back. Please help them get better from their mental and other problems so that we can get back together soon. Amen. 

Pray that Someone Will Love You Again

God, You said that love is the most important rule. I’ve only ever loved my boyfriend or girlfriend. Even when things go badly, I will always love them. Dear Jesus, please open my eyes and theirs so they think again about our connection. 

We were in love, and I want that love back. Could the devil not break up the bond we had? Forever, we will be perfect for each other. Because they are my true love, I need you to bring them back. 

We’re grateful to God for the love we felt. I love you and will keep thanking you. Thank you very much for everything. Prayer For Someone You Love to Come Back so that we can love each other again. For more information, you can visit Amen. 

Bring Him Back to Me in Prayer

Dear God, Without my ex-boyfriend, I feel lost and alone. It breaks my heart to miss and love him so much. I’d love to try our relationship again because we both love each other. Our problems caused us to drift apart, and I miss him more and more every day instead of getting over him.

Oh my God, I hope that we can get back together, be happy with each other, and not be afraid to tell each other how we feel. Help him get the help he needs to fix his problems. I will do the same thing because I have problems that need to be fixed. I will do anything to show him how much I love him and become whole again. Lord, thank you. Amen. 

Pray for Someone Who Doesn’t Love You Back

God, you know how hard it’s been for me (insert their name). It would be easy to leave, but honoring you is the most important thing to me right now. That’s why I’m asking for the strength and guts to love even when I want to give up. 

Bring out your spirit in me. Pray that I can be gentle, kind, understanding, loving, and slow to get angry. Remind me of the kindness you showed me when I was at my worst, and help me love (insert name) in the same way. Please help them stay calm and follow your Holy Spirit instead of their feelings.

I ask that You heal the places where there is hurt so that we can love each other again. Bring understanding to places where there is confusion. In the name of Jesus, fix the holes where the devil has tried to get in. For more information, you can talk with our Maulana – Rijwan Khan. 

Pray for Someone You Care About to Return

The person I loved most has died, leaving me with only a dark sky. What should I do? How can I give her or him back? Thus, I beg You, Lord, to help me bring back the most important person in my life. They went away, and now I want to return to my wonderful partner. I need your help now to keep our relationship alive. Amen 

Pray For The Protection of Someone You Love

Father God of blessings, all blessings come from you. I pray that You bless and protect my dear one more than anything else I need. You should meet their needs and be nice to them. 

Even though things are hard for us right now and we can’t be with each other, smile at them and be calm. Fill them with your Holy Spirit and make them wonder how good you are to them daily. Bring them joy by letting them share in your holy people’s wealth in your kingdom of light. Amen. 

Praying for the Return of Your True Love

Please forgive me. The love that (insert their name) and I have shared will always last. I do not doubt that we will win in the end. I need patience and a heart that can forgive me right now. 

There have been hard times in our relationship. However, I believe that You will bring back the love of my life, and we will genuinely love each other. I promise to start over and treat our new relationship like meeting for the first time.

I miss how we loved each other when we were young. We didn’t worry about anything when we loved each other or when we did anything else. God, I beg You to forgive me and pray that You will help us fix this broken friendship. 

Pray that He Falls in Love with Me

Please love this man with all your heart. I wish he would love me, too, to be a great partner. Lord, make him start to think about me before any other woman and take his mind off of her to see me. Lord, keep my heart from breaking from the pain of not being seen by him. I feel bad because I want to spend the rest of my life with him. 

Dear God, please put my love in his heart. I love him, but he’s not reacting, which is rather sad. Please make him love me back if you can. Lord, please do it because I know and believe that You can solve any problem. I pray that You make my heart feel better and that he loves me as much as I love him. 

Prayer for Loved Ones’ Safety 

Dear Lord, My heart is heavy with worry about the unexpected risks to my and other people’s lives. Many things in this world can bring us down, harm us, or threaten to take our happiness. I pray for your protection over all of us and that we remain steady in trusting your will for our lives regardless of the circumstances. Please keep an eye on my family today when they leave the front door. Send an angel to guide them home and protect them from harm safely. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

 Pray for My ex to Return to Me

Almighty Jehovah, You gave me the strength to stand before You today and own my mistakes. I regret being a bad lover. God, as your kid, You know I’ve always loved deeply. I love my partner/girlfriend/boyfriend wholeheartedly. 

As I still love them, I ask that You grant them the strength to return. I pray for our shattered connection, God. May it stop being on and off. I hope You make it long-term because she is the only one I want to spend my life with. I hope You bring my sweetheart home. Amen. 


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