Get To Know Us

Loveduaghar is inspired by Islamic culture, traditions, and teaching techniques which make us here for you. With the help of the deep knowledge of Sunnah and the Quran, we wanted to enhance your spiritual knowledge and help you practice this for your happy life.

Maulana Rizwan Khan and our whole community of loveduaghar are available for your help in your bad times. We deliver you the most appropriate and genuine information about all the activities of Dua and Wazifa. You also understand the working of Dua and how it will be going to change your life in a better way.

Our website is a home for people who lost his or her path of spirituality and need some help on his/her difficult path. Our pure intentions and truth in every shared information will gonna work for you.

What do we do?

We provide you with Islamic education on Dua. Maulana Rijwan Khan shares a proper guide for all Islamic brothers and sisters. It is a belief that praying Allah means dua will accepted by him if it is correctly done in the right way. We are here to help everyone and my community understand and work accordingly. 

Dua is purely taken from the Quran which is very effective and and works. Our community not only helps you in increasing knowledge and fulfilling your wishes it is also about the effective means of getting what you want in your life. Pray to Allah and ask him to forgive all the sins and accept his dua or prayer from the heart.

Informative and helpful 

Simply our motive is to provide full knowledge about the Dua and how it works for you. Loveduaghar will help us understand the true meaning and importance of our lives. Dua plays a very important role in everyone’s life. So it is very important to know about it and also the right process of reciting dua.

Your intentions should be pure and clear which will make your dua more effective. We are committed to helping our community and all our brothers and sisters. Proper information from valid sources and also by Maulana Rijwan Khan who is helping you with experience of more than 10 years. 

His guidance helped more than a thousand people in solving their problems in everyday life. You can contact him if you want any advice and help you in fixing problems.

Solutions for every problem

Our articles will help you find solutions for every problem in an Islamic halal way. Allah will always be with you. With the great scholar Maulana Rijwan Khan’s guidance, you will succeed in your life and get results in your favor. 

Maulana Rijwan Khan is working for the welfare of the whole community in several ways. You can get any type of help and solutions for problems like getting someone back in life, making someone love you, and other problems.

We are taking you on an unending journey of spiritual knowledge and lessons that will make your life uncomplicated and happy.     

How are we different from others?

We Loveduaghar has pure intentions to help people who need some. We are different from others because we are helping people from the information taken from the Quran with the experience of Maulana Rijwan Khan in this field. No use of harmful things or activities or in misleading you. We are working just for you, for your welfare, and joy in your life,

Want to prevent you from everyday fraud in the name of help. Providing you 24/7 help and most importantly working free. Helping you and giving you all the information for free. Still, you didn’t get a solution to your Queries you can contact us or mail us for your queries or any problem