Dua For Black Magic Protection

dua for black magic protection

Black magic is one of the dangerous practices that is done with evil powers to control, manipulate, or harm others. This practice involves supernatural powers like an evil or jinn for wrong purposes. In Islam and also in other religions, this practice is strictly prohibited. Allah doesn’t want their child to be harmed with something like the evil eye. So Dua for Black Magic protection will protect you.

This is also known as the evil eye or “sir” in Islam. It is considered as haram practice and also a great sin if someone harms another person by any means. But still, some people use this for various purposes but it always ends with harming some other human being.

A lot of people don’t believe in anything that can’t be seen. However, in Islam, it is important to acknowledge the supernatural and unseen forces. Using these harmful forces for any purpose is strictly condemned in Islam and also in the Quran. If someone wants to know about the origin of black magic, Surah Baqarah clarifies the existence of black magic and its origin in the time of Hazrat Solomon.

Dua for Black Magic Protection

Dua for protection from black magic in Urdu

“أَعُوذُ بِكَلِمَاتِ اللَّهِ التَّامَّاتِ مِنْ شَرِّ مَا خَلَقَ”


“A’udhu bi kalimatillahit-tammati min sharri ma khalaq.”


“I seek refuge in the perfect words of Allah from the evil of what He has created.”

You can recite this dua in any language you are comfortable with. Be careful that you must be reciting this dua with sincerity. For the removal of evil after reciting this dua blow on your hands and wipe it over the affected person. It is recommended that this dua be recited three times a day.

Additionally, you can also recite some other protective dua, Surah An-Nas (Quran 114), Ayat al-Kursi (Quran 2:255), or Surah Al-Falaq (Quran 113). The following chapters have some protective spells against black magic. Remember the power of faith and trust in Allah while reciting the dua.

Things You Should Know About Black Magic

  • Black magic is a very dark supplication that should not be done by any person. Because it can also cause harm to the person who is using black magic along with the other person, this activity calls for supernatural powers with the help of dark evil powers that can’t be controlled easily. 
  • If someone possesses this power of black magic he/she is going against the power of Allah. Allah will help the affected child with the help of the given dua. In the eyes of Allah evil eye or black magic is haram which will be punished as soon as possible.
  • If you get affected by black magic you should recite this dua for black magic protection to Allah and seek his shelter to protect you from the evil energy. The possession of black magic will show some effects on your body which can help you understand it.
  • Some of the effects of black magic can be body pain, head pain, stomach ache, feeling low all day for a few days, no energy level, and much more. These can be some of the symptoms that can help us to understand black magic.
  • Sometimes the negative energy will be strong enough to not be controlled or tackled by yourself. That time you can contact us Maulana Rijwan Khan has great experience in dealing with evil energy and removing it from your body.

Reasons Behind Black Magic

There can be various reasons which make someone affect you with black magic some of the reasons that we have defined you but there can be other reasons that can be behind the evil eye.

  • Physical Harm: This is one of the most common reasons behind black magic. If you fight with someone you hurt someone intentionally or not intentionally. Another person can cause you damage physically or can kill you. Black magic is so strong that it can harm a person harm.
  • Jealousy: Some people become jealous of you, it can be of various reasons. Maybe you are beautiful or handsome, your looks, your wealth, your friends, family anything can make another person jealous that you have or maybe another person doesn’t have that thing.
  • Manipulation: Manipulation makes people control another person with the help of black magic. By controlling others they can do anything with that person that they want to. It’s like a puppet controlled by someone else. This can be done to someone to get that person in your life or to do something else by that person.
Few More Words

This is for those who perform black magic or want to perform it. This practice takes the person who is practicing black magic away from Allah in the darkness and impurity. The believer in black magic will get into destruction and evilness. Regular recitation of dua for black magic protection will always protect you from evil energy.

This practice provides a shield against any negative power but also strengthens our connection with our creator. Have faith in Allah and you will be safe and nothing can affect you. For any query or help contact loveduaghar.com

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1 Does this Black Magic exist?

Ans. Yes, black magic is a practice that exists to harm others. When some people use negative energy, control it to harm the person they want by their own will. If something good exists like the god there are also bad things that exist in this world.

Q.2 Can we use dua for black magic protection regularly without its need?

Ans. It is a very strong protective dua that can be recited regularly for safety purposes. If you use this dua regularly you will stay protected from all kinds of harmful energy.


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